Friday, January 22, 2010

The Last in a Long Line of Cartoon Cats: A Romance

I've been thinking about yetis a lot lately because I recently saw a Yunnan Snub-Nosed Monkey for the first time.

I'm sorry, but that is a yeti. That is SUCH a yeti. Why are we even still talking about this? Also, do you kind of want to kiss it?


Admiral Farragut said...

It's a Monkey Makeover gone bad: spiky haircut dye job gone bad; too much collegen in the lips. It might, however, still be America's Next Top Model. If it wins the feces-flinging competition, that is.

Patricia Lockwood said...

Animal Makeovers--what a good show that would be! And its popularity would make way for Animal Home Makeovers, in which Ty Pennington or whoever redecorates little hollow trees.

Radish King said...

His lips look like Meg Ryan's lips. They might have the same plastic surgeon.

Patricia Lockwood said...

They also, if you look too hard and close, look like a perfect pink couch with no seams or cushions--an Infinity Couch.

Admiral Farragut said...

It is important to note that the snub-nosed monkey, like the snub-nosed revolver, is designed to be easily concealed as a weapon for personal protection. The monkey's shortened or "snubbed" nose allows it to be tucked into an armpit shoulder holster or waistband, hidden away until confronted by an attacker. The monkey can then be rapidly drawn and brought to bear upon the point of danger. Most attackers, when confronted by a screaming, flailing, biting, crapping monkey will retreat to find a less-prepared victim. Stand up and protect you right to keep and bear monkeys!

Patricia Lockwood said...