Oh man. My best laid plans gang so freaking aglay these past few days. I had planned to draw an epic interpretation of a Mary Jo Bang title and serve it up to you yesterday, but the power was out all day and I made no headway at all. But since I am utterly devoted, I offer you this quickie to stave off your hunger:
Large Bad Picture
Elizabeth Bishop
Meta, right? It's large, it's bad, and it is in the most generous sense of the word a picture--more specifically, a picture of a rare elephant-infant centaur. Infelephantaur! Behold his sculpted pecs, behold his contorted ripe bottom!
Your most brilliant work to date, and in Dutch no less. It makes me want to go to Amsterdam and eat pears and ice skate on my contorted ripe bottom. The text is Dutch, right?
Obviously it is. My facility for foreign languages exceeds even my facility for capturing animals on the page.
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