Wednesday, June 30, 2010

How Is This Moment Not So, So Famous

Do yourself a favor: skip to minute 3 and watch Bill Pullman's entrancing breasts recite a sex poem to you. You won't regret it. You will regret it so much.


ron hardy said...

Definitely a Bill Pullman moment. And his breasts do carry the day. The poem is like a series of connected non sequiturs. Nice. It reminds me of his tour de force, Zero Effect. Moving, but mostly his hair is out of control.

Patricia Lockwood said...

His hair has always confused me, why does it flop so much

ron hardy said...

It always confused me too. But after a number of films I think it goes hand in hand with what he has perfected. The hanged dog look. Whether he's being beaten up or misunderstood the hair acts like a shawl.

Patricia Lockwood said...

I can't believe we cast him as the President that one time

ron hardy said...

Actually I would like to see him play another president. Millard Fillmore. A reader(not tarot)once told me I was Millard Fillmore in a previous life. It would be nice to see someone play me.