I meant to post this a month ago, but I am so forgetful: when you aren't sending beautiful drawings to me, you should be sending them to
Stacy Elaine and her kidnappers, who call themselves THE IMAGINATIVE ACTION REGIME, over at the
Los Angeles Project. It is a neverending source of delight for me, and I mean to send the kidnappers something soon--you should too! What do they want?
Your childlike solutions to adult problems, of course.
I really am impressed by your site. right stake will roll grass without any questions
A link to a New York Metro review of Crash? I don't get it!
i don't get it either. let's write a puppet show about it instead. i'm tired of getting stuff.
ps. thanks for your super nice hello.
You are very welcome, those of us who have been kidnapped by imaginative regimes must band together as we can.
A puppet show sounds like just the thing--if it is a HART CRANE puppet show, then it should probably star "the terrible puppet of my dreams," from "The Visible the Untrue."
you are my maniac twin. hooray.
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