I just spent a good portion of my afternoon drawing these underwater titty pigs for you, so that Wallace Stevens's birthday party would not be interrupted for even a day. This one is totally going on a t-shirt, with the words "the swine-like rivers suckled themselves/ While they went seaward to the sea-mouths" immortalized below. Or perhaps I'll include the whole poem:
Frogs Eat Butterflies. Snakes Eat
Frogs. Hogs Eat Snakes.
Men Eat Hogs.
It is true that the rivers went nosing like swine,
Tugging at banks, until they seemed
Bland belly-sounds in somnolent troughs,
That the air was heavy with the breath of these swine.
The breath of turgid summer, and
Heavy with thunder's rattapallax,
That the man who erected this cabin, planted
This field, and tended it awhile,
Knew not the quirks of imagery,
That the hours of his indolent, arid days,
Grotesque with this nosing in banks,
This somnolence and rattapallax,
Seemed to suckle themselves on his arid being,
As the swine-like rivers suckled themselves
While they went seaward to the sea-mouths.
You're probably wondering why the river-pig has boobs on her back, to which I reply: they aren't on her back, they're on her stomach, but you can see them anyway because water is clear! You're probably also wondering why the pig has so many boobs, to which I reply: hey, this is my fantasy. That pig will have as many breasts as I goddamn want, and nineteen seemed like a good number.
Wouldn't I love to suckle on that?
I want a shirt. where can i get one?
I'll let you know, Jim--I don't have much experience with places like CafePress and their ilk, so I'll do some research. I definitely am going to have some made up, though, because I am of the opinion that it is totally possible to wear a large quantity of surreal breasts on your t-shirt and have the greater public never recognize them as such, mostly because they are blue and shooting what appears to be ink.
Archaeocytic Teats--I will suggest that to my sister for use on her next child.
dear tricia,
this is the best drawing i've seen on the web. you must send us work!
the imaginative action regime.
Whoa, an imaginative REGIME! How was I unaware of this till now?
yes, we are a regime of fantastics. we will be sending you and good ole WS some bithday cheer soon . . .
ps. we are huge fans. great site. great work. hooray for tricia!
HOORAY FOR ME! I will also be sending your regime some of my own cheer as soon as possible, as soon as I am not so whelmed by my purpose here, because I am the quickest-growing fan of yours that currently exists.
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