Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Happy 127th Birthday, Wallace Stevens: Day Two

My good friend Claudia (who is updating her blog again!) sent me this magnificent picture of herself in a costume that really needs no explanation. Look at her tiny face inside the blackbird's brain!

Also, Andy Gricevich has suggested that we serve nougats at the party. "If possible," he writes, "they should be in great sheets, and served at a 'crisp cafe' setup, early in the course of the party." He is absolutely correct; "Forces, the Will & the Weather" is fuller of nougat than any poem I have ever read. The last strophe is particularly convincing:

It had to be right: nougats. It was a shift
Of realities, that, in which it could be wrong.
The weather was like a waiter with a tray.
One had come early to a crisp cafe.

Great work, you guys. More to come tomorrow!


Anonymous said...

I love her tiny face!

Patricia Lockwood said...

You just blew my mind, Cuchulainn. I completely missed the car accident connection.

Is "The Blackbird of Glanmore" in District and Circle?

Unknown said...

Hey, hey, hey! I've only had 3 car wrecks in my life! And NONE of them my fault! LOL!