Friday, April 16, 2010

Stats Wankery

On April 5th, I checked Duotrope and saw that Black Warrior Review was now accepting online submissions. I sent them a few poems, and yesterday I received an email accepting "As Many as Fill the Mouth of Flies" for the next issue. Warp speed, people. That's one of my fastest acceptances ever, which is especially surprising considering the fact that print responses from BWR were always on the slow side. I should know--I've been sending there for six years, on and off, so it's gratifying to finally find a place there.

It's worth mentioning, too, that both this poem and the poem Boston Review took had previously been rejected by at least twenty places each. I know some people retire poems after a certain number of rejections, but I've never done that; some styles of mine take years to click with editors, and then all of a sudden three or four will be accepted in a row. It's completely unpredictable. Moral of the story: don't put your horses down before their time, eventually you will encounter an editor who is a cat or a Frenchman, and that editor will eat your horse and consider it delicious. So put that in your gravy and...and chunk it.


Suzanne said...

Congrats, Tricia!!!

Patricia Lockwood said...

Thanks, Suzanne!

captcha: headewoof

Sandy Longhorn said...

Only recently found your blog and wanted to say congrats on the publications and the persistence!

Patricia Lockwood said...

Fellow Copper Nickel person, yay! I was all, "Where have I heard that name?" and then I remembered reading "The Interior Weather of Tree-Clinging Birds" on Verse Daily. So glad you stopped by.

Admiral Farragut said...

Proving that you are a paragon of virtue, puritan work ethic, indomitable will, and moral rectitude! Congratulations, indeed!

captcha: exentap

"...came an existential tapping
tapping at my chamber door.
Quoth the raven
'What a bore! Awwwk!'"

Sandy Longhorn said...

Tricia, Yay Copper Nickel! Thanks for making the connection for me.

Patricia Lockwood said...

Bless you, Admiral, for tolerating these poetry posts. Your loyalty knows no bounds.

Sandy, that reminds me, I really need to add Jake Adam York to my blogroll. Done!

Admiral Farragut said...

I do hope that you did not misunderstand me -- when I said "what a bore..." I was referring to my meager efforts to wedge my verification wordette into the mighty works of Poe. I find your poetry posts to be both interesting and informative. When you are the first poet to receive both a Nobel Prize and Academy Award for the screenplay written enirely in verse, I can say, "I knew and commented her when!"

Phoebe North said...

Congrats! You've inspired me to, like, submit some poetry. For once.

Patricia Lockwood said...

Oh my God, Admiral, no worries. I was simply referring to the fact that you're a Not-a-Finger person rather than a poetry-shop-talk person--this stuff probably isn't all that compelling to you.

Yay Phoebe! If it's been a while, you'll be shocked how many places have opened up online submissions in the meantime. I hardly ever send out envelopes anymore. Good luck!