Congratulicious, ducky -- TWO of 'em. I'm not yet sure what to make of the Bond-foundish-poem thing, but it's interesting at first glance. Y'know (of course you don't), one of my all-time favourite Fleming lines sounds like it was almost a not-a-finger painting: "...a pulsing fat-cat with a zero for a heart."
So fine. A pulsing fat-cat with a zero for a heart. A pulsing fat-cat with a zero for a heart.
Rebecca if I saw you on a ladder outside my window the force of my delighted shriek would blow you backwards and the ladder would tip and begin to fall. And I would gasp, and the force of my gasp would raise you up again.
Congratulicious, ducky -- TWO of 'em. I'm not yet sure what to make of the Bond-foundish-poem thing, but it's interesting at first glance. Y'know (of course you don't), one of my all-time favourite Fleming lines sounds like it was almost a not-a-finger painting: "...a pulsing fat-cat with a zero for a heart."
You luscious genius girl you.
wv: lingfin and seriously I can't think of anyone more lingfin than you!
Your Not Quite Stalkerish Fan But Actually Just Not With A Ladder But Maybe I'll Do That Later, Rebecca
So fine. A pulsing fat-cat with a zero for a heart. A pulsing fat-cat with a zero for a heart.
Rebecca if I saw you on a ladder outside my window the force of my delighted shriek would blow you backwards and the ladder would tip and begin to fall. And I would gasp, and the force of my gasp would raise you up again.
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