Thursday, February 18, 2010


I have two poems online at Witness, go read them! While you're at it, also read Eduardo's poem, here, and when you're done with all that, read Michelle Disler's "The James Bond Alphabet."


universal exports said...

Congratulicious, ducky -- TWO of 'em. I'm not yet sure what to make of the Bond-foundish-poem thing, but it's interesting at first glance. Y'know (of course you don't), one of my all-time favourite Fleming lines sounds like it was almost a not-a-finger painting: "...a pulsing fat-cat with a zero for a heart."

Radish King said...

You luscious genius girl you.

wv: lingfin and seriously I can't think of anyone more lingfin than you!

Your Not Quite Stalkerish Fan But Actually Just Not With A Ladder But Maybe I'll Do That Later, Rebecca

Patricia Lockwood said...

So fine. A pulsing fat-cat with a zero for a heart. A pulsing fat-cat with a zero for a heart.


Rebecca if I saw you on a ladder outside my window the force of my delighted shriek would blow you backwards and the ladder would tip and begin to fall. And I would gasp, and the force of my gasp would raise you up again.