Wednesday, July 15, 2009


When you spend most of your day not writing poetry because you are too busy explaining to angry burger-eaters why women should be allowed to vote, it is almost unspeakably gratifying to come home and find yourself the 21st name on this list.



Valerie Loveland said...

Wow, that's awesome!

Sam said...

!!!!!!!!!! I just knew you were famous.

Radish King said...

Absolutely where you belong, my brilliant poet.

Admiral Farragut said...

Let there be rejoicing throughout the land! Let you be carried through the streets on the shoulders of adoring fans while bystanders toss rose petals and gold doubloons at your feet!

Also, besides being a commissioned Admiral in the Internet Navy, I am the former financial minister of Nigeria and for only a $25,000 investment I can get you 1.3 billion dollars from the Prime Minister's Estate Fund. Send a Money Order or Certified Check to "A Fool and his Money are Soon Parted Interprises c/o General Delivery, Mexico City, Mexico." Operators are standing by.

Jee Leong said...

Huge congrats, Trish, on the finalism, and on all the pubs. You are already famous, and the world is only beginning to cotton on.

Anonymous said...

noice one. fingers x-ed.

Wem said...

Cool beans, Not-a-finger! Fame and fortune are vouchsafed. And in the meantime, you can secretly spit in a customer's BLT knowing that it's like signing a little genetic autograph for a future fan.

Good luck!

Sean said...

Holy crow! Congratulations!

(How are the winners elected? A tontine? Nets and tridents in the arena?)