Saturday, May 19, 2007


*Collapses with exhaustion* much...I love you? How devoted? See time I have?

There you go. I couldn't stand the thought of giving up on my little catchword crabs, so I steeled my doughy body and went once more into the fray. I thought maybe if I drew it very quickly and very simply, Painter would be tricked into keeping it. So here we have a rudimentary Hart Crane interpretation, drawn in approximately eleven minutes, featuring dry grassy groins, which are meanwhile patrolled by crabs bearing catchwords related to the underbrush's dry groin problem. Did that all come across? This line, by the way, was taken from O Carib Isle!, which is a virtual treasure trove of source material. There is Satan in it, and comedians, and doubloons--what more could you possibly want?


Anonymous said...

Sweet NEPTUNE... it was worth the wait!

Patricia Lockwood said...

*curtsies* Thank you, plankton! STICKUM CROTCHY saves the day.

Ana Božičević said...

Enchanted. Charmed. I'd like to be the foster-mom to these crabs.

Anonymous said...

Observing your catch word crabs while reading the words "...dry groins of the underbrush" gives me the desire to abrade the soft, pink, helpless belly of a puppy with a 3-day growth of beard until it whimpers for a medicated salve, although I know that this cannot be acceptable behavior.

Patricia Lockwood said...

Ana! How I have pined for you...I would trust you with my crabs any old day.

Admiral: acceptable to whom? The puppy, at least, might like it.