Sunday, April 22, 2007


I have been up to my cooch in revisions for the past few weeks. (I wrote that line about cooches, and then I was going to make a joke like, "get ready for these poems to go down on you until their jaws get tired," when I realized that that was backwards, and the joke should really go, "get ready for your brain to go down on these poems until they give you the head-tap," but that all seemed pretty circuigratuitous, so I made it parenthetical.) Which reminds me, to my great chagrin, that I don't really write poems about cooches at all any more. I used to write about them pretty constantly, in an O WHOA THEY ARE LIVING SHEATHS FOR LIVING SWORDS kind of way, but I guess I outgrew that at some point--or did I.

Anyway, that explains the scandalous scarcity of cartoons around here lately. Maybe if anyone would ever submit anything, the burden would not fall so heavily on my mule shoulders. Also, I have been readying myself for my fast-approaching birthday, because ladies and gentlemen, I turn 25 on Friday. 25! I have such a tiny toe in the grave.


Anonymous said...

Happy belated b-day, N-A-F. To think, if we were still a bunch of tribal hunter-gatherers, we'd be inviting you into the elders' longhouse, giving you your choice cut of the long pig... some hapless missionary, no doubt.

Which part would you want?

Anonymous said...

You meant happy early birthday, not belated. That's what a diet of taro and missionaries will do to you.

Patricia Lockwood said...

What a nonsensical conversation you two just had! I approve. As it is, Sentinelese, I will celebrate at home with Elegant Choice, who will also give me my choice cut of the long pig.

Anonymous said...

Hey Tricia, happy birthday to you! Great that u r turning 25! I hope u enjoy your birthday with a gala celebration.

Richard Epstein said...

My God, you're old. If you were Keats, you'd almost be dead. (You're not Keats, are you?) If you were Chatterton, you would be dead. If you were Rimbaud, I wouldn't be able to understand anything you were saying, even if you were alive.

Happily for us all, you're none of these people. As far as I know.

Patricia Lockwood said...

I am Keats, actually. I can't believe you haven't noticed.

Thanks, Carol!

Jee Leong said...

Happy birthday, Trish! The young and the damned (damn you, for being so young). You have the whole decline to look forward to.

Patricia Lockwood said...

Thank you, my dear. Also, NEW PICTURE! You are breathtaking.