Friday, December 08, 2006


If you've been following the comments, you probably took special note of Cuchulainn's confession that he holds in his possession a framed print of Waterhouse's The Lady of Shalott, and is willing to sacrifice this treasured possession to the Tennyson party as a grand prize. You've all proved to be too clever for my "Guess What Line I Am Depicting in This Sexual Drawing" contests, probably since the drawings I offered up in their service reeked so fully of precise meaning, so this time around things will be a bit different. After considerable deliberation, I chose a few lines of Tennyson's that I believe are bosomy with artistic possibilities; the person who submits the most articulate and inventive interpretation of these lines wins. Here is the excerpt I have chosen:

‘O God-like isolation which art mine,
I can but count thee perfect gain,
What time I watch the darkening droves of swine
That range on yonder plain.

‘In filthy sloughs they roll a prurient skin,
They graze and wallow, breed and sleep;
And oft some brainless devil enters in,
And drives them to the deep.’

from "The Palace of Art"

I will be accepting submissions all month long, and on the last day of the party I will post all of the entries and ask an impartial judge to pick the best. I badly want to cast Elegant Choice in this role, mainly so that I can see him wear the little wig of powdered sausages, but I will probably end up choosing someone who knows a bit more about art, considering that most of Elegant Choice's favorite paintings are of photorealistic cows. I am not kidding.

You have three weeks; get cracking! I expect great things. And if no one submits anything, then I will enter this drawing and it will automatically win.


Anonymous said...

Tricia, even if there are thousands of entries, this drawing should win.

Radish King said...

I agree. This drawing made my head spin around like Kung Fu Action Jesus.