Was it worth the wait or what? A flying dragon-frog gazes into the sunset. His eyes shine with a human radiance--or, in my version, embryos on fire. He exhales noisily and apologizes for his lack of tail. I considered whether I should paint him giving birth to a passel of jelly eggs midair, because I wanted to keep the midair birth theme going as long as I could, but the jelly eggs I managed to produce failed to meet my finicking standards of realism.
Definitely worth it.
Why do the images, as reflected in the flying dragon-frog's eyes, face in different directions? Is this really the way stereoscopic vision works?
You buoy up my spirits, sublibrarian, with your sweet persuadability.
They're not reflected, Richard! He actually has embryos in his eyeballs. Otherwise it wouldn't make any sense.
Well, of course he has. I should have known that.
Honestly. You know me well enough by now.
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